MBA Wellbeing Introduction

M = Mind, B = Body and A = Awareness The aim of this program is to balance these 3 parts of our being. In Chinese medicine the Heart is the home of awareness. In this course we explore why the Heart is so important and how to live Heart connected to ourselves and others. 

This program explains the Mind-Body-Heart connections from Chinese Medical, Spiritual, Holistic Healing, Yogic and Indigenous world views. It introduces simple holistic healing practices for nourishing mental stability by strengthening the physical body.

This program provides a thinking upgrade for leaders, managers and people responsible for guiding others. For a deeper enquiry see one to one coaching program details. 

The MBA empowers people with self-care tools and practices, used for centuries to keep people well. Wellbeing is recognised as the essential foundation of 1. a successful life and 2. our ability to adapt to life's transformations - large and small.

Course curriculum

Cameron Tukapua

Chinese Medicine Dr, Wellbeing Coach

Imagine a world where people thought of themselves as whole and beautiful. A world where people knew how to heal themselves through daily self-care. That’s a world I want to live in ! Discovering Chinese medicine at aged 21 showed me a true view of reality. A world of energy where everything is connected and in right relationship to everything else. What I love about my job is facilitating connection to our original nature and a search for wholeness. Acupuncture rebalances the energies of the mind-body. It enlivens the innate healing power that lives inside all of us. Along with shifting the energy I support people to know and be themselves. Cosmology, ‘how to see our place in the universe’ is one of eight limbs of Chinese medicine. When we see the truth of life as energy, we tap into a source of power which is immeasurable and unlimited. When we listen to our own Hearts we live guided by our true Sovereign Ruler and the power of LOVE. Across 4 decades of healing practice I’ve valued sharing ancient wisdom teachings They empower us show up as co-creators of our beautiful world. In the last two decades I’ve created healing pathways which support people to listen to their own knowing as their ultimate guide in life. Currently I see a lot of lost, confused people trying to navigate the ‘non-sense’ of a weird world. At the same time I see people everywhere waking up to the importance of taking charge of our life. I believe grassroots change, from bottom up is the essential healing remedy for our current health care crisis. Our health is up to us. It’s a choice. No-one else rules our mind.

What others say

“Working with Cameron has been transformational in my personal and professional life. Following the steps of Cameron's nourishing roots course and with follow up 1:1 sessions, I've been able to find the tools to be more balanced, I've learnt to nourish and strengthen myself physically and mentally. In turn, that has allowed me to show up, be present in my personal life and nurture my relationships. In my corporate life, it has given me the tools and the confidence to lead, support and guide my team through the changes of our current landscape we face. We have become stronger as a team and have built trust and work more cohesively together. Cameron is undoubtedly a true leader and coach with a refreshing perspective. I would recommend her to anyone. ”

Tonia Dixon, Corporate Manager

“Cameron helped me as i’ve navigated the challenges and opportunities of working in a new role, and like all workplaces, facing a time of change and transformation. Her heart centred approach has helped me find my own authentic leadership style and flow. What I love about Cameron’s work is the power of its simplicity. It’s clear, understandable, and you can very quickly and easily start integrating it into your personal and professional working life. ”

JM Communications Manager, New Zealand

“Cameron has the talent to take something which is quire complex (especially if you have studied western medicine),and explain it simply. She helps you make that transformation of thinking really easily. Cameron can reduce information to simple explanations and understandings, it feels like coming home to common sense. I really like this because I can now use these teachings with my patients. It is simple things …like being more connected to nature, and being in rhythm. Those minor things can change a lot in how a person is feeling and I’ve experienced that as well. Her program is a stepped plan, which enables you to understand where you are coming from and what are your roots. It has helped me understand how to nourish myself, where I am in my power and how to live in the most natural flow of being yourself. ”

Dr Mori Schraeder, The Netherlands

“In One word ... shaman ”

Suzy McAlpine, Executive Leadership Coach