Dreams, Destiny & the 5 Spirits

Guidelines for Soulful Living

What's calling you forward ? What's holding you back ?

If not now - When?         

If not You - Who?

The 2020's is a decade of radical rebirth, renewal, healing and transformation. It's an invitation to open up to new ways of being. From 2020 - 2023 social structures we once relied on for stability and security have been steadily dissolving. NOW from 2024 forward. support for healing and transformation is abundant for Spiritual Seekers

We have been conditioned to think that life is prescripted by external forces. The deeper truth is we all choose. Exercising our Will is a conscious choice which leads to conscious action. Engaging our role as awakened co-creators we show up to life as partners of destiny. 

Imagine the feeling of free-flow as you open to the natural guidance of your own best teacher - YOU ! What you need to know, you already know ... it just needs to be revealed. Inside-out living is all about engaging your inner wisdom, as the leader of your life.

  • Unlock the Secrets
  • Experience the Wisdom
  • Align with your Spirit

Introducing a 7 step journey to your Soul Self discovery  

  • Exploring Esoteric and Chinese medical wisdom teachings on Inner Life  
  • Discover a spiritual self-identity map, to help you align with destiny 
  • Learn to listen to the wisdom of your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.

If you are ready to claim your role as co-creator of your life and destiny ... this course is ready for you. Many of us are going through intense transformations right. We have been  dismantled in order to give birth to larger versions of ourselves. 

Letting go is an important part of the journey of spiritual evolution. Knowing how to nurture ourselves through this process helps facilitate these shifts. The Dreams-Destiny course is a midwife for the Spiritual journey. It offers clear, simple guidance on how to grow and evolve into more expanded versions of your current Self.

Course curriculum

  • 1
  • 2

    1. Dreams - The Call of the Soul

  • 3

    2. The Soul Spirit - The Ethereal Soul

  • 4

    3 The Heart Spirit - Our Individual Uniqueness

    • 3.1 Highest Awareness

    • 3.2 Portal to Love

    • 3.3 Here Now Awareness

    • Audio - Heart and Soul as our Guide

  • 5

    4. The Mind Spirit - The Power of Intention

    • 4.1 Staying Focused

    • 4.2 Power of Intention

    • 4.3 Setting Intentions

    • Audio - The Spiritual Journey and Heartfelt Living

  • 6

    5. The Body Spirit - Our Instinctual Awareness

    • 5.1 Instinctual Awareness

    • 5.2 Presence

    • 5.3 Vitality

  • 7

    6. The Will Spirit - The Power to Choose

    • 6.1 Backbone and Willpower

    • 6.2 The Power of Choice

    • 6.3 Will and Action

    • Audio - Spiritual Life and Free Will

  • 8

    7. Engaging the Spirits - Opening Destiny's Door

    • 7.1 Spirit serving the Soul

    • 7.2 Five Spirits United

    • 7.3 Destiny's Door

    • Audio - Evolving beyond Family Patterns

Cameron Tukapua

Chinese Medicine Dr, Wellbeing Coach

Imagine a world where people thought of themselves as whole and beautiful. A world where people knew how to heal themselves through daily self-care. That’s a world I want to live in ! Discovering Chinese medicine at aged 21 showed me a true view of reality. A world of energy where everything is connected and in right relationship to everything else. What I love about my job is facilitating connection to our original nature and a search for wholeness. Acupuncture rebalances the energies of the mind-body. It enlivens the innate healing power that lives inside all of us. Along with shifting the energy I support people to know and be themselves. Cosmology, ‘how to see our place in the universe’ is one of eight limbs of Chinese medicine. When we see the truth of life as energy, we tap into a source of power which is immeasurable and unlimited. When we listen to our own Hearts we live guided by our true Sovereign Ruler and the power of LOVE. Across 4 decades of healing practice I’ve valued sharing ancient wisdom teachings They empower us show up as co-creators of our beautiful world. In the last two decades I’ve created healing pathways which support people to listen to their own knowing as their ultimate guide in life. Currently I see a lot of lost, confused people trying to navigate the ‘non-sense’ of a weird world. At the same time I see people everywhere waking up to the importance of taking charge of our life. I believe grassroots change, from bottom up is the essential healing remedy for our current health care crisis. Our health is up to us. It’s a choice. No-one else rules our mind.